"Der Rekrut" (The Recruit), is an exact page by page translation and recreation of the 1935 German Army training manual of the same name. With 151 illustrations and drawings in the text, it is a never before seen look into the training and development of the average soldier that made up the most professional and best trained army ever to march into battle.
Sample chapters include: - The duties of a German Soldier. - Power to Arrest, Use of Weapons. - Classroom Behavior. - The Soldier's Behavior in Public. - The Relationship of the Soldier to the National Forces. - The Structure of the Wehrmacht. - Order in Barracks and Quarters. - Behavior Towards Superiors. - Clothing and Equipment. - Personal Hygiene. - Railway Travel. - Guard Duty. - The Prismatic Compass. - Chemical Warfare and Chemical Defense. - Field Skills. - Combat Duty. - The 98k Rifle (diagram and info). - The 08/15 Light Machine Gun (diagram and info). - The No. 13 L.M.G. (diagram and info). - The 08 Pistol (diagram and info). - Care of Weapons. This handbook is the only one of it's type, and is a MUST for the World War Two German Army reenactor, all those interested in the German Armed Forces in World War Two, and the training that went into producing the best soldiers in the World.